How to advertise for a Job Check.

Many employers are struggling with the advertising requirements for the Job Check process. Advertisements must include specific, detailed information that might not usually be included when advertising for staff. Job advertisements need to be placed on a platform that New Zealanders are likely to look at, need to have been advertised for at least 14 days, and the job advertisement must have closed within the previous 90 days.

Job advertisements must include the following:

  • A description of the main tasks and duties.

  • The terms of employment, is the position permanent or fixed term?

  • The minimum and maximum hourly rate or an annual salary, stating “negotiable”, is unlikely to be accepted. A range can be used.

  • Bonuses, commissions or piece rates if they make up a significant portion of the remuneration. If they are not guaranteed, then they will not be considered as part of the employee’s pay when Immigration New Zealand assesses whether the remuneration requirement has been met.

  • The minimum hours per week.

  • The location of the work.

  • The skills and work experience required (quantify this in months or years) and/or the qualifications required.

If advertising is not completed correctly, then employers run the risk of delays to the Job Check process as they may have to start again. If you need any assistance, reach out today.


Migrant Exploitation.


Navigating Employment Risks: A Guide for Employers.