The three step Accredited Employer Work Visa process explained.

What is the new Accredited Employer Work Visa?

The Accredited Employer Work Visa is a new three-step visa system introduced in July 2022.

  1. The employer applies to be accredited.

  2. The employer submits a Job Check.

  3. The migrant submits their work visa application.

Types of accreditation.

You can apply for one of four different levels of accreditation.

  • Standard accreditation is for standard businesses hiring up to 5 migrants.

  • High-volume accreditation is for standard businesses hiring 6 or more migrants.

  • Franchisee accreditation is for businesses that are part of a franchise. There is no limit to how many migrants you can hire.

  • Controlling third-party accreditation is for businesses that place migrants with third parties while being the direct employer named in the employment agreement. There is no limit to how many migrants you can hire.

What is required to become accredited?

Your organisation's requirements will vary depending on the industry you operate in and how many visas you intend to support. Generally, all organisations will need to show they are genuine organisations, do not have a history of non-compliance with employment and immigration law and have taken steps to reduce the risk of migrant exploitation.

How long does accreditation last?

Your initial accreditation lasts for 12 months before you need to renew it. An exception to this is initial accreditation periods for accredited employers will be automatically granted for 24 months if you apply for accreditation before 4 July 2023.

Once you renew it will last for:

  • 24 months for standard and high volume, as long as it has not lapsed for 12 or more months

  • 12 months for franchisees and employers placing migrants with controlling third parties.

What is a job check?

The job check will ensure the offer of employment is compliant with New Zealand law and meets the remuneration meets the market rate. Depending on what the job is and where the job is located, a labour market test may need to be conducted.

What will information will the migrant be required to supply with their application for a work visa?

The migrant will need to provide evidence they have suitable prior work experience and/or qualifications to fill the job they have been offered. They may also need to supply criminal and health checks.

How much will it cost?

Immigration New Zealand charges accreditation fees based on the type of accreditation. Their fees are below and include GST:

  • Standard: $740

  • High volume: $1220

  • Franchisee: $1980

  • Controlling third party: $3870

  • Job Check: $610

  • Accredited Employer Work Visa application: $750

Will employers need to be accredited for current migrants who need to apply for a new work visa?

Migrants currently on most work visas, including Essential Skills, will need to apply under a different visa scheme, and in most situations, the accredited employer category will be most suitable. Employers will need to be accredited and have a suitable approved job check to support a further visa.


If you have any further questions or would like to begin the process of applying to become an Accredited Employer, please do not hesitate to contact us.


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