Why use a Licensed Immigration Adviser?

There are several reasons why a migrant or employer should use a Licensed Immigration Adviser (LIA) for New Zealand visas and employer accreditation matters.

First and foremost, using a LIA ensures that the immigration matter is completed correctly and efficiently. An LIA is a professional who has been licensed by the Immigration Advisers Authority, a New Zealand Government Department to provide accurate and up-to-date information on immigration laws and regulations. They are also able to provide expert guidance on the various visa options available, helping the migrant or employer to choose the most appropriate option for their situation. This not only saves time and effort but also reduces the risk of costly mistakes that could lead to declines or delays on their immigration matter.

Another important aspect of using a LIA is their ability to provide tailored advice and support. For example, they can provide guidance on how to meet the requirements of specific visa categories, such as the Skilled Migrant Category or Accredited Employer Work Visa. This can be particularly important for employers, as the LIA can assist with the accreditation process and help to ensure that the employer is compliant with all relevant laws and regulations.

Furthermore, an LIA can assist with the preparation and submission of visa applications and employer accreditation and job checks. This includes gathering and organising all the necessary documentation, ensuring that all forms are completed correctly, and providing guidance on the interview process. The LIA can also assist with reconsiderations and reviews of declined applications..

Lastly, using a LIA gives peace of mind as they are regulated and accountable by the Immigration Advisers Authority. This means that if any issues or complaints arise, a migrant or employer can seek resolution through the Immigration Advisers Authority complaints and disciplinary process.

In conclusion, using a Licensed Immigration Adviser for New Zealand immigration matters is beneficial for both migrants and employers. An LIA can provide accurate and up-to-date information, assist with the preparation and submission of visa applications, and provide tailored advice and support. Additionally, they are regulated by the New Zealand Government and accountable, ensuring that the immigration process is completed correctly and efficiently.


Wage requirements for the Accredited Employer Work Visa are changing.