Resident Visas.

  • Skilled Migrant Category

    A points-based system based on a visa applicant’s qualifications, wage/salary, licensing for licensed professions and New Zealand work experience.

    Applicants need to have an acceptable job offer with a New Zealand employer.

    Eligible partners and dependent children can be included.

  • Skilled Residence (Green List Tier 1)

    An option for applicants with a New Zealand job/job offer in a Tier 1 Green List occupation.

    The applicant must meet the specific requirements listed on the Green List that can include qualifications and professional licensing requirements.

    Eligible partners and dependent children can be included.

  • Work to Residence

    Accredited Employer Work Visa holders who have worked in an eligible Tier 2 Green List occupation, Care Workforce or Transport Workforce position for at least 24 months may be able to apply for a Resident Visa.

    Work to Residence applicants meet the specific requirements that can include qualifications and professional licensing requirements.

    Eligible partners and dependent children can be included.

  • Partnership

    Eligible partners of New Zealand citizens and residents may be able to apply for a resident visa in their own right.

    Eligible partners can also be included with an applicant when they apply for a resident visa in another category.

  • Dependent Child

    Dependent children of New Zealand citizens and residents may be able to apply for a resident visa in their own right.

    Dependent children can also be included with an applicant when they apply for a resident visa in another category.

  • Business and Investment

    Entrepreneur Work Visa holders who have held this visa for 24 months (6 months in some circumstances) may be able to apply for a Resident Visa.

    Investors of $5 to $15 million NZD in New Zealand in specified investments could be eligible for a Resident Visa.

    Our Business and Investment page has further information on entrepreneur and investor categories.